Friday, November 18, 2011

Pinterest Project

Recently I saw a pin on Pinterest that was a photo of a little girl in a big, white dress. The idea was to take a photo of your daughter in your wedding dress. I LOVED the idea! How fun! So, I set out to make it happen! My little 3 1/2 year old girly-girl had a great time getting dolled up as a "wedding girl" as she called it. We headed outside one beautiful fall afternoon and took some super fun pictures! Here are some of my favorites!

Applique T-Shirts

I love making applique tshirts! I make initial shirts, number shirts for birthdays, tie tshirts, and fun holiday appliques. I hand cut all of my designs and they are all hand stitched. I leave a slight unfinished border around the applique so the design will fray just a little over time. Here are a few designs I have made:

Christmas Tree with Initial

Turkey Tshirt (girl)

Pumpkin with Initial

Zebra Minnie Mouse with Initial

"R" Initial

"1" for First Birthday

"Big Sister"

"3" for Third Birthday

"C" Initial

"E" Initial


Little Man Tie